Medium electricity allied point out at the same time, in 2012 whole country electricity coal consume the quantity would compare to increase about 150,000,000 tons last year and corresponded to need domestic to add more than 300,000,000 tons of coal supplies, just can a little bit well guarantee electricity coal demand.
"The coal demand is still very big in 2012, but supply situation allow of no optimism."A personage who approaches hair in the nation to change Wei means to the reporter of 《everyday economic news 》 .
For solve coal market demands prosperous the coal causing tightly lack a problem, February 6, the province coal industrial bureau in Hunan convenes a meeting to point out and encourages to generate electricity a business enterprise to establish to MLB Baseball Caps order concentration to procure to give or get an electric shock coal.Provincial government in Yunnan also points out recently, adopt to give the power station save a coal subsidy and super generate electricity reward to wait comprehensive the measure alleviate to give or get an electric shock coal supply and demand an antinomy.
It is still outstanding to give or get an electric shock coal supply and demand antinomy
Being subjected to a need is prosperous, the coal electrical engineering system didn't manage the influence of agreeable etc. factor, it was still rigorous to give or get an electric shock coal supply and demand this year situation.Medium electricity allied appeal, in time start a coal electricity allied move, quickly manage agreeable electricity price formation mechanism.
The data suggests that in 2011, the whole country particularly generates electricity business enterprise total amount to provide, consume coal to increase 15.78% and 15.3% respectively, the day all provide, consumes the coal difference as 3,810,000 tons and 3,740,000 tons;Each month power station consumes coal to keep on higher.
"Because the electricity coal house saves of the region distribute not and all and plus the fire electricity exploitation number increment, electricity coal price in market keep on Gao Wei movement etc. factor, cause parts of partial time coals in province supply nervous, influenced electricity supply."Medium the electricity unite a research personage to mean.
The province coal industrial bureau in Hunan points out on the meeting on February 6, the all levels coal management section wants to actively investigate an establishment to adjust coal to protect an electrician to make of long effect mechanism, guide conditioned coal mine business enterprise and power station to sign complete NBA Basketball Hats supply and demand contract, encourage that the coal mine business enterprise keeps power supply coal to the power station.
With supply and demand antinomy outstanding Yunnan province for example, 2011, Yunnan province adjusts the fire electricity business enterprise total amount to enter coal 32,444,000 tons generally, together compare reduce 1,240,000 tons, descend 3.7%, but generate electricity total amount to consume to use raw coal 33,243,000 tons, together compare increase 2,075,000 tons, give or get an electric shock coal to consume is bigger than to enter, the amount of stock is lowest only 625,000 tons, the fire electricity lacks coal to shut down capacity tallest reach to 5,300,000 kilowatts, have to adjust 53% that the fire electricity packs machine generally.
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Posted by terminalcables
at 9:34 PM EDT