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Sunday, 25 December 2011
Obama approval rating back up to 49%
Mood:  a-ok

A new poll, President Obama's approval ratings appear better, has picked up to 49%, it is the U.S. troops killed this year in May, the al-qaida leader osama bin laden after the highest approval ratings for Obama. CNN and ORC poll institutions promulgated by the international 20 survey results show that Obama has the latest rating of 49% this month, more than in the middle of last month is up 5%. His approval rating at 48%, than mid-november down 6%. This is barack Obama nearly seven months the highest approval rating since. In may this year, due to the U.S. killed bin laden ordered the success, Obama's soaring popularity, poll Numbers back up to 54%, but since then he's approval ratings have been hovering around 45%. It is worth noting that, despite President barack Obama's identity, americans to Obama's approval rating far higher than I of him as the President's job approval. The New Era Hats December 16 to 18 survey showed that americans to his personal approval rating at 76%, since this year that number has remained at 70% %, it serves to show its individual glamour oodles. In support of the crowd, Obama won 52% of women's favour, higher than in men 49% support; He is not in the white get as high as 72% of the vote, and in whites received only 40% of the vote. In addition, the young and the middle class in the approval ratings are also more than 50%. The above situation and the 2008 election similar, show that Obama's basic dish is still women, minorities, the young and the middle class. When asked in the treatment of the country is faced with a major problem, more voters trust Obama or the republican congress person, 50% of the respondents chose more believe Obama, only 31% support the latter. In addition, the people of the whole congress very discontent, its not that approval ratings as high as 83%. Polls analysts think, recently Obama in promoting extend tax cuts payroll taxes the firm is one of the reasons why the approval ratings rise. CNN polling director keating Holland, say, in the republican debate with recently, Obama trying to establish MLB hats himself as defenders of the middle class, which made him win the middle income americans support. On that day, the Washington post and ABC published another polls also came to similar conclusions, Obama approval rating is 49%. The report also shows, and if the top republican presidential candidate one of confrontation, Mr Obama and Mr Romney in registered voters in the approval ratings tied, is 47%; And former house speaker gingrich is obviously not barack Obama opponent, he with 43% support behind Obama 51% approval rating at 8%.

See more:The ECB refused to buy more European debt 

Posted by terminalcables at 2:07 AM EST

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