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Wednesday, 6 June 2012
Have a kind of magic power calls atmosphere

The atmosphere is a person's qualities or generosity of spirit, a kind of external appearance performance of one personal heart world, a personal comprehensive character to outward send forth of a kind of strength of invisible.Mount Taishan is collapsed to ex- but noodles not change a color is to grow atmosphere, starve don't eat Jie's coming to its food is to grow atmosphere, rather die than surrender"life from thou who have no dead, stay to take heart of pure loyalty to shine on sweat green" cheap sun glasses grows atmosphere.The atmosphere is steady heavy, quiet, keep Zhao, the fortitude and resilience doesn't pull out.The atmosphere isn't calm to face a living difficulty, do stop the step that oneself pursues in the predicament.­

  Atmosphere be not since the childhood living come of, but experienced a life slowly development come out of Hao however of the spirit was a person to society, was a humanistic nature to show unintentionally to a kind of consciousness of attitude that life holds, pack is packed don't come out.­

  The atmosphere is a generous manner of speaking in proper form, conducting nature harmony, living manner Ping-ho, not hasty Zao, not slack, time should not make moves dense as a block, make people stare tongue-tied while shoulding make moves.­

  The atmosphere is total to stand on Gao Wu Jian Ling's angles to treat a problem, makes people feeling decorous, is like a good book, the contents makes people moving, not and lightly don't float, no matter what angle it is, see, can't feel dull.Once reading can make people don't want to put it away best sunglasses and be subjected to a benefit from it not- shallow.­

  The atmosphere is a kind of careless.Don't be greedy for small benefit but lose matter of principles, keep the great principle of heart, look like blurred, heart bright hall.­

  The atmosphere is 1 kind to endure to let.Not and easily take own self-restraint challenge other people of superficial.­

  The atmosphere is a kind of weak thin.Money fame and wealth floating cloud leads, my heart from have bright moon at.­

  The atmosphere is a kind of condescension.Half bottle water always flaps about in the bottle, 3 people go to necessarily have me the teacher, don't despise anyone, many from the other people body up seek his/her own shortcoming, don't worship anyone, but be good at very much more strength of studying the other people. 

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Posted by terminalcables at 2:17 AM EDT

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